True Healing Requires 2 Things
A common misconception about the healing arts is that the practitioner is “doing” or “administering” the healing process onto someone. ...

Exploring what FUN actually means
From her research, Catherine Price determined that true fun consists of 3 elements: play, flow, and connection.

The World Shapes You, but You Also Shape the World
Our own ecosystem is informed by the external world. This is because we are Nature. Our energies are woven in and through the landscape.

Remembering Our Animist Roots: The World is Alive
Dartmoor stone circle, UK Last week I shared some thoughts about our collective spiritual crisis. I shared that part of the work to...

Healing our Wounds of Separation + Disconnection
I'm guessing you feel this too: that we are living through a world crisis (perhaps particularly centered in the United States.) We have...

Your Senses: A Gateway into Relationship with Life
April has become one of my very favorite months since living in Portland. It feels as though almost overnight, the Earth breaks open in...

Welcoming the Transition to Spring with Intention
The Spring Equinox is upon us, which will usher us into the light half of the year. For the next 6 months we will be in the domain of...

Why is Living Seasonally so Important?
I’ve found over the years that one of the most important and profound ways to connect more deeply with myself, the ecosystem around me,...

The Heart is What Will Save Us
“The heart is what will save us.” These words have been ringing through my ears and vibrating through my body for the past few days. ...

4 Pathways to Mending
In The Golden Stone Wisdom School the first thing I teach is the 4 basic principles of cultivating relationship with the body. This can...