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Call Into Darkness - Plant Spirit Course

I have experience working with plant spirit medicine and this provided a container to go to a new level.


I was able to meet plants I had not worked with before and it provided ways for me to connect in deeper ways with those I am familiar with.


Working with plants and this experience has helped me feel more connected to nature, myself and the greater consciousness.


I loved hearing what others experienced, to see how magical the plants are, and the similarities/differences in how they show up."  

- Kameron


Sign up before 11/5 to receive your tinctures before class begins




Deepen your relationship to the plant kingdom in this on-of-a-kind 6 week course, where you commune with, learn from, and heal with 6 incredible plant teachers during the darkest weeks of the year.



Each week, from deep in the Samhain darkness to the Winter Solstice, you will work with one of six plant spirit medicines to deepen relationship and explore the depths of yourself and your psyche. 



Through guided meditative journeys, reflective questions, and written information, you will move through unique healing processes inspired by each of the plants, as well as intimately learn the medicine they provide. 



plant spirit medicine portland

During this time of the year we have the power and gifts

of the darkness on our side.



This means that we can access spiritual wisdom more easily, that we can communicate with the subtle realms more keenly, and that we have access to our own unconscious minds and our shadow more readily, making healing extra potent.



How do you want to utilize this sensitive, intuitive and powerful time? 



When we choose to open the doorway between the mysteries of the plant realms and our very soul's nature, we open the gateway of vast and powerful connection and communion.


When we choose to invest in our inner growth and healing, we rewrite the hidden stories telling us that we are not worthy and move towards true authentic empowerment.


The plants are here to help. They carry so much guidance, wisdom, healing, and love.


They want us to heal. They want us to thrive. They are our ancestors and allies.



It was through working with plants in this profound relational way that I began my journey of reclaiming my voice, stepping into my power, reclaiming my body, and reshaping my mind.



I want this for you too.



This class is a cozy womb for turning towards your wise inner knowing, guided by the trust and love of the plants.


It is an impactful, life-shifting experience.


Call Into Darkness is nourishing, radically healing, and utilizes the potent medicine of this dark, inward time of year to truly tap into the subtle whispers from the plant and spiritual realms.

about groundwater healing portland


"I never knew it was possible to connect with plants in this way. It opened me up to a whole new world of depth and connection, I felt it was my antidote to loneliness in dark times and an opportunity for communion with nature in the way my soul was craving. This class has brought me into greater intimacy with the earth and nature. It has given me a model for a reciprocal relationship with nature- something I was never taught directly in any other place/time."



Elder tree laden with berries - we work with Elder week 1

In this course you will:


  • Learn to interpret your intuitive language and deepen trust in your intuition

  • Intimately learn about and befriend 6 powerful plant medicines

  • Learn techniques to commune with any and all plant medicines going forward

  • Find the soul nourishment of connecting with plant medicines in the way all of our ancestors once did

  • Move through potent healing processes guided by the 6 plants

  • Discover deeper layers of your body, psyche and your soul's wisdom

  • Learn to listen to information drawn in through senses other than your ears

  • Tap into the sentience of the world around you

  • Invest in intentional space for yourself to commune and connect through the dark months

  • Connect with a community of like-minded folks

  • Find comfort and meaning when the days are the darkest





Truly, taking care of yourself and building relations with the more-than-human world is some of the exact medicine the world needs right now.



Taking this course is an act of dismantling the toxic systems that ignore the sentience of the Earth and the plants, that believe it's ok to dominate the Earth and other beings, that inner work isn't a valid contribution, and that dreaming, self-healing and intuition are not of value.



This course is revolutionary as we acknowledge the consciousness of plants, the importance of developing reverence for the Earth, and enter into a mindset of reciprocity.


Through developing and deepening relationship with the animate world, we begin to heal wounds of separation and severance.



This is a much needed act in building a new cultural story. A story that believes in our inter-being with all else. A story that values inner work, healing, and cultivating relationship with the unseen realms as necessary components for a thriving and healthy society and Earth-ecosystem. One that connects us back intimately to the land itself.



One that listens to the land, the plants, and the other animate forces of the Earth as wise teachers, elders, and those worthy of respect, reverence, and honor.



"This class helped me wake up to the power of every plant. I always thought the powerful plants were the psychedelics, but I now know better now. There are so many medicine plants that are  opening us to the plant realm and it's now up to me to make myself open to listening." - Dee




holistic bodywork in portland

This year we have 2 options:

Self Paced:


  • 6 Wildcrafted Groundwater Healing plant medicine tinctures (can only ship in USA) - 1/4oz of each


  • How to sit with plants and create sacred connection (PDF)


  • Developing ritual space and altar making (PDF)


  • 6 guided audio journeys - one for each week - to deepen your work with the plant medicine


  • Information on the medicine of each of the plant, both psycho-spiritual and physical (PDFs)


  • Weekly journal prompts to go further in your personal connection and healing


  • Access to community & sharing in our private Mighty Network space


  • Weekly check-ins + encouragement




In-person cohort:


Everything included in the self-paced vision PLUS:


  • 4 in-person gatherings at SomaSpace: Nov. 10th, Nov. 24th, Dec. 8th, and Dec. 22nd


This is 7 hours of time with me to be in ceremonial space, ask questions, and have a more direct teaching and guidance. We will also be in person in circle to have our experiences witnessed.


Meeting 1: Ceremonial opening, intention setting, meeting the other participants, aligning with the plants. November 10th 10-12pm


Meeting 2: Sharing circle for Elder + Yellow Pond Lily. Q&A. November 24th 10:30-12pm


Meeting 3: Sharing circle for Hawthorn + Aspen. Q&A. December 8th 10:30-12pm


Meeting 4: Sharing circle for Red Cedar + Cottonwood. Solstice ceremony + ceremonial closing of the space. December 22nd 10-12pm​



In both cases, you will work with 1 plant medicine per week. Each week you will receive a guided audio journey, the handout of the plant's medicinal qualities, and the journal prompts to go deeper.

​*Pricing includes the 6 plant medicines and shipping costs (USA only!)


10% of proceeds will be given back to Indigenous organizations to honor the plant wisdom that's been transferred through them.


Please email me for inquiry or for payment plan options​.


Words from Past Students...​


"This course changed my life in immeasurable ways - every plant woke me up to and integrated an aspect of myself. This is the first time in my life where I feel in the flow, I feel safe, I feel free to express and choose my reality. I am entering 2022 knowing I have everything I need within myself to do the work I'm here to do. It is so empowering"



"I came into this plant class with no knowledge of what I was signing up for, just trusting that it was where I was supposed to be, and boy-howdy... Amy offers explanations of the plants' medicine, energetically and physically, with every encouragement and opportunity to explore your own experience and reaction. I appreciated the space to learn and the super kind, knowledgeable guidance through the deep of winter. I mean, Amy's a gentle wizard and now I got all these plant allies! It's cool."



"As someone who has been connecting with plants for years, I can honestly say that this course took my relationship to plants to an incredible new, deeper level. I laughed, I cried, I discovered new parts of myself, found answers to burning questions, and I healed some things. This is a unique and deeply needed course, for anyone interested in connecting more deeply with the planet, with our plant-kin and with their own, inner wisdom."



"Amy, thank you for sharing your heart with us. Thank you for giving us things to connect to, and to ponder, and to work through so we can be the best versions of ourselves in this crazy world. Thank you for being a catalyst for us to connect our bodies, hearts and spirits to reach our highest self."



"Call Into Darkness opened me up to an entire world of plants, spirits, intuition, and how they can all dance together. Amy's meditations and tinctures really introduce you to the plant spirits, and after that, the plants truly do teach you, meet you, and accept your "allyship." I see both the outside world and the world within myself in a completely different way now. Thank you so much for this, absolutely incredible!"



 "I wanted to thank you for offering us such an amazing experience - it truly has been transformational for me. Our work together [has] helped me in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways begin to connect with my body and soul. It has not always been easy - but I have never been one to shy away from paths I feel important.  This perhaps, is the most significant path for me yet."



"Amy’s class provided such a wonderful opportunity for me to do important work during such a magical time of year. The plants helped support, clear and foster a beautiful environment deep within so whatever new that is planted will grow and thrive. Much gratitude to Amy and all of these amazing plant allies."



herbal medicine products Portland

Plants + Themes we will work with:


Week 1: Elder: The Otherworld, Ancestors, death


Week 2: Yellow Pond Lily: Emotions, sexuality, pelvic bowl clearing


Week 3: Hawthorn: Self-love + forgiveness, vulnerability


Week 4: Aspen: Creative expression, community, your personal medicine


Week 5: Red Cedar: Being at home in your body, connecting with ancestors and place


Week 6: Cottonwood: Trust, nourishment, receiving golden light




Who is this course for?


This course is for you if:

  • You crave deeper connection with the plant realms

  • You want to work with the spiritual and energetic aspects of the plants

  • You believe that plants have a consciousness or spiritual identity that can communicate with us

  • You are looking for a way to deepen your spiritual practice during the dark weeks of the year

  • You are seeking guidance and wisdom in your own healing journey and curious how the plants could support you

  • Autumn darkness is difficult for you and you want support through the darkest weeks

  • Autumn feels cozy and comfortable for you and you want to engage with the gifts of the season

  • You are comfortable with guided visualization and journeying

  • You want to grow your intuitive abilities and deepen your trust in your intuition

  • You want to build relationship with the plants

  • You are seeking community with fellow plant people

  • You believe that building relationships with the Earth and plants is necessary to shift our current trajectory as humans


When does the course start and finish?


This course starts November 10th, and ends just after the Winter Solstice, on December 22nd. However, you will be able to move at your own pace and complete the course on your own timeline.


How long do I have access to the course?


After enrolling, you have the ability to download all of the material to keep for your lifetime - and it will be available to you on the Mighty Network platform for 1 year.


Is this course Live or self-study?


This year we have 2 options! Our self-paced option is for those folks who don't live in Portland, want to save a little money, or feel confident they can self-motivate. Our live option includes 4 in-person classes with me, and will add an additional sacred + ceremonial element to the course, as well as face-to-face sharing circles, Q & A sessions, and connection with other plant people. 


What if I can't make the in-person classes?


You might consider doing the self-paced option if you can't make the classes. However, if you only have to miss 1 or 2, it might still be worth it for you. That's for you to decide :)


When will I receive my plant tinctures?


I will ship the tinctures out around 10/31 so you should receive them a few days before the class begins.


What if I am unhappy with the course?


If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me within the first week of the course (by midnight on 11/17) and I will give you a full refund minus expenses for shipping and the plant medicine tinctures.


​What if I need to back out before it begins?


If for some reason you need to cancel before the class begins, you can do so by 11/3 and receive a full refund (as long as I haven't shipped you your tinctures yet).


Have another question? Feel free to contact me!

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Amy communing with Western Red Cedar - our plant ally for Week 5

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