The sacred seasons Autumn Inner Well
Awaken your inner witch
Transform your relationship with the Magical Earth as you step into communion with your intuitive, earth-medicine path
Already a member of the Golden Stone Wisdom School's Mighty Network?
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Autumn Inner Well

A 6-Module Course designed to take you from uncertain in your spiritual relationship with Earth, to co-creating with the magic of the earth's wisdom.
Are you an earth-loving sensitive being who longs to make magic with the Earth?
Do you want to deepen your understanding of energy movement through the cycles of the seasons and learn how to partner with these energies?
Do you want to clarify your own embodied relationship with the elements of nature, and the spiritual guidance all around you?
The Sacred Seasons Autumn Inner Well will help anchor you into your embodied understanding of how your energy partners with the energy of the Autumn season.

It will open up direct relationship with the spiritual gifts of Autumn, the medicine of Water, a spiritual guide for the Autumn season, and a plant spirit ally.
You will be guided in embodiment rituals to ground the information into your felt-sense.
You will be taught medicine making practices to make seasonally aligned, magical plant medicines.
What does AUTUMN have to teach you this year?
Each season honors a different aspect of our experience. A different archetype, a different energy, different themes, medicines, challenges, and joys.
When we let ourselves be a student of the seasons, we remember and reclaim the multi-faceted nature of ourselves.
We remember that we are nature. And we infuse ourselves with a sense of belonging within.

Every aspect of ourselves is privy to cycles. Everywhere we look we can learn about the cyclical nature of life.
One of the reasons I filter my work through the lens of the seasons is because it immediately attunes us to this deep truth of life here on Earth.
A deep truth of our own humanness, and how our own humanness is actually just Nature Herself.
The seasons not only provide a beautifully orchestrated blueprint to study, but they also drop us into the felt sense of rhythmic communion with the wider nature of life.
When we become apprentices to the seasons we:
Become nuanced about the patterns of energy that appear everywhere. Externally and internally.
Start to see the greater patterning of life and learn to apply its teachings to our biggest questions, our soul’s unfolding, and our healing journey.
Learn to trust in life’s ways, and trust in the impermanent, yet trusty, nature of the Universe.
Start to recognize how we are a microcosm of the macrocosmic dance between the earth and the sun, and lean into the vastness we hold as bodies.
Organically begin to move through our lives more authentically aligned with our inner truth, intuitive nature, and soul's wisdom
When we can really take this all in, in an embodied, experiential way, there's something that opens inside of us: an opening to our wholeness.
Come journey with us through the energies and wisdom of Autumn + Water, and see what the season has to offer you on your ever-evolving spiritual path.

MODULE 1: Introduction to the Seasons
Why work with the seasons?
Guided meditation to connect with this moment in the wheel of year
You'll learn + experience:
*just how important it is to live seasonally + how it will change you
*how you are impacted personally by this moment in the wheel of the year
MODULE 2: The Energies of Early Autumn
Lay of the Land for Early Autumn: gifts, energies, and medicine
An Embodiment Ritual
A Plant Medicine tutorial for making an herbal cleansing spray
You'll learn + experience:
*How you relate to the early autumn energies
*The energies at play and how to work with them
*Reflection on the past year and how it's shaped you
*Uncovering the shining gifts you bring into the darkness with you
*A longing that lives within you, and how this helps you navigate this journey towards the darkness
*How to make a cleansing herbal spray to purify your energy body
MODULE 3: The Energies of Late Autumn
Lay of the Land for Late Autumn: gifts, energies, and medicine
An Embodiment Ritual
A Plant Medicine tutorial for making magical herbal infusion
You'll learn + experience:
*How you relate to the late autumn energies
*The energies at play and how to work with them
*Shedding any excess that you're carrying
*Finding elongated stillness
*What lives at the very center of yourself, and what it feels like to reside here
*How to make magical herbal infusions
MODULE 4: The Element of Water
Why connect with the elements?
The energies and gifts of water
A guided journey to connect with medicine of Water
You'll learn + experience:
*the importance of partnering with the elements in your magical practice
*how growing relationship with the elements is life-changing
*the ways that water supports us in our lives
*some rituals for working with water during the Autumn season (and beyond)
*the variety of shapes and forms that water can appear as, and how you are impacted by the medicine of each of these aspects of water
*what water is wanting to teach you or show you at the time
MODULE 5: Autumn Allies
Introduction to Journeying
A guided journey to meet an Autumn Spirit Ally
A guided plant spirit meditation
You'll learn + experience:
*what shamanic journeying is + why we do it
*how you can keep yourself protected and safe during journeys
*a journey to connect with a spirit guide that wants to support you during this season
*how to connect spiritually to the plants, and connect with one plant in particular that's been calling out to you
MODULE 6: Integration
Where to go from here
How to continue to cultivate the relationships you've formed
You'll learn + experience:
*Continued practices and ideas for incorporating the medicine of Autumn into your life
For lifetime access to the course materials
Current members of the Golden Stone Wisdom School's Mighty Network:
Click here to purchase your
Autumn Inner Well

I’ve been a bodyworker and energy healer for 13 years, and I’ve held ceremony, and taught plant spirit medicine, energetic techniques, and seasonal healing for the past 10 years.
As a highly sensitive empath, I always felt a like the modern world was harsh, unkind, and disconnected from the true nature of reality. Growing up, I contorted myself to fit into the false narratives and expectations that this world puts on us, that I see so many others around me doing as well.
Over the past 15 years of my own healing journey, I’ve discovered the incredible benefit of being a sensitive person, someone who cannot and will not live in the unrealistic and disconnected film that overlays deeper, truer reality.
I’ve studied with many incredible teachers, both human and non-human (plant spirits, spirit guides, stones, etc.), and have developed my own way of integrating the worlds of energy and spirit into the material, lived experience.
I’ve cultivated a trusting, loving relationship with my body, my energy body, and my Self. I’ve found true, meaningful relationship with plant spirits, with my ancestors, with the elements of nature, and the living land. I’ve cultivated a depth of relationship with the natural world that is fulfilling and sincere. And I want this for you too.
I’m passionate about helping to shift these capitalistic, individualistic, and patriarchal paradigms that cut us off from honoring our bodies and our kinship with the Earth.
I’ve found that in order to heal, we have to get back to the keystones of meaningful, interconnected life, one of the main ones being embodied, seasonal connection.