You're a sensitive, a healer, a medicine person by nature.
You know there’s a better, more meaningful way of living that’s aligned with the rhythms of the Earth, with the wisdom of your body, and the teachings of the plants.
You crave a deeper, more significant way of connecting with both yourself and the world around you. A way that’s perhaps more wild, more raw, more real. A way that moves in consort with forces of nature, not against. A way that’s actually healing for the Earth herself, as well as us.
You know you have gifts to bring this world. And you want to heal what's in the way of you showing up in your full, shining power. Into your witch, your wise-one, your priestess self.
And you know a part of that power for you involves partnering with the forces of Earth.

The Golden Stone Immersion supports your journey of remembering yourself in your deep wholeness.
It is a place for you to anchor into your body, and step into your power. A power that’s derived from true connection with the forces of the wider, wild world.
This program is designed to guide you through a process of uncovering and healing what's in the way of your soul's truth, while also building relationship with Sacred Other, our more-than-human kin, and your spirit guides and allies.
It is part healing journey of embodiment, part curriculum of the way of the medicine person.
By opening to subtle energies, you’ll discover what it means to be human within our wider ecosystem.
This is a space to open to mystery, magic, and energy, as well as a roadmap to truly come to know yourself. ​
You’ll learn to live with a mindset of reverence, reciprocity and genuine connection for all that exists both within you and around you. ​
Your nervous system will settle, and your soul will sigh with relief as you live from this sense of place, belonging, and deep knowing within.
You want a life that's:
More connected with the sacred pulse of Life
Rooted in ancient wisdom and modern understanding
Intertwined with and informed by the cycles of nature
Healing for the Earth and our connection with the unseen world
Inspired by the wisdom of the plants and the natural world
Propelled by the wild call within your soul
In balance with your heart and body’s way of being
More mindful and animate in the present moment
In alignment with your unique, individual creative fire
Respectful to the land and our more-than-human kin
Empowered and embodied in your own wise medicine for the world...​​
You can feel it, hovering just on the other side of a veil. Waiting.
But how do you reach it?
Where do you find your path?
And how do you traverse this path of the wild while also living in a modern society?
How do you return to the rhythm of your soul as you navigate the disjointed paradigms and pace of the external world?
In our modern world, separation and disconnection have led to pain and suffering not only in our personal lives, but in the world at large.
Over time, we’ve disconnected from our wild soul, the living heart of the Earth, the spiritual forces of life. As a result, much of the harm we enact towards others, the Earth, and our own selves stems from this severance.
By healing our own woundings, by learning the language of our body and soul, and by listening deeply to the whispers of the Earth spirits... we once again find wholeness.
We then return to a sense of true connection, relationship, and understanding. And we become the healing the collective needs.
I invite you to join me on this sacred mission of whole-ing. A mission of returning to our birthright of inter-being and inter-belonging.

Before the immersion program you may feel:
An uncertainty of how to actually live in deeper relationship with your body and/or the plants and earth’s wisdom
A sense of hovering over or living just outside your life, without a true sense of living your purpose or belonging
Anxious, uncertain or an underlying lack of self-love or self-worth
Disconnected from the whispers of your body, heart, or soul, or difficulty following through when you do know
Frustrated with yourself for not taking care of yourself and your body in the way you know you need to
Desire to help heal the world or help the collective in some way
Desire to step into your own healership and own your medicine for the world
After the immersion program you may feel:
More grounded in your body, and confident in your relationship with your intuition and your body’s wisdom
Connected with your energy body and confident in how to tend to yourself
Connected with plant spirits, ancestors, and other spiritual guides that can help you on your path
Empowered in how to create relationship with the plants and the land
A sweeter, more loving relationship with yourself and the natural world
Connected to the cycles of the Earth and your own body
More clear about your personal hangups, beliefs, and unhelpful patterns, and clear in how to take care of yourself when the arise
More clear about your unique medicine, soul's purpose, and living relationship with Life
A Roadmap

This 6-month immersion is a comprehensive look at what keeps us disconnected from ourselves, as well as a roadmap for bringing our lives back into alignment with connection, meaning, and purpose.
You will learn embodiment and energetic techniques and tools that will support you for a lifetime. The medicine of the plants, ceremonial techniques, and sacred rhythmic living within the seasons and cycles of the moon will continue to provide guidance for years to come, and serve how you co-create magic with Life.
Through live weekly calls and sharing circles, video, audio, and written materials, you’ll be held in a loving community to step into a deep knowing of yourself, your empowerment and claim ownership of your sacred medicine for the world.
We weave in ritual, ceremony, and shamanic journeying throughout the course in order to bring intentional healing to ourselves and the Earth.
You'll build your spiritual toolkit, as well as your spirit helpers to support your priestess, witch, or medicine, path.
Through relationship with Earth, we come to know our bodies.
Through relationship with the spiritual guides, we come to know our soul.
Through relationship with the animate forces of life, we come to know our wholeness.
Through relationship with our body, we come to know the multi-dimensional nature of reality.
Course Content
The content of the program is entirely digital, so you can access it from anywhere - on phone or computer.
While it’s always most powerful to have you join in live community, all teachings and ceremonies will be recorded for you to watch as your schedule allows.
What you receive:
(90 mins, 1x/week):
Live ceremony, teaching, or journey work, community sharing + Q&A
Audio files, short videos, handouts, and journal prompts
(*Shipping inside US only*)
One for each module to help you deepen into the material
When you join this program, you enter
into Sacred Community. You'll have:
Private community network of like-minded folks
Anytime invitation to share your process in
our private community
Access to me via our private community for 6 months
Embodying the Elements Online Course (Audio + PDF)
Gateways to Connection Guide (PDF)
All 4 Sacred Seasons Guidebooks (PDF)
An invitation to the private Golden Stone Nature Retreat
3 months free access to the private monthly membership, The Circle of Interbeing ​
Is valued at $8800
for the entire library of content, live classes, and community support
This School is priced in order to accommodate a range of folks who could truly benefit from this offering. It is based in the sliding scale economy, an honor system in which you gauge from your heart what feels appropriate to pay.
Those of you with resources who pay on the higher end allow me to offer lower tiered pricing options for those truly in need. This system only works if those who can afford to pay the higher pricing tiers actually do so. Please give the maximum contribution that you are able.​
As a general guideline for single incomes supporting one person:
Sliding Scale 1 for folks who make $70,000/yr +
Sliding Scale 2 for folks who make $40-$70,000/yr
Sliding Scale 3 for folks who make under $40,000/yr

Sliding Scale 1:
4 payments of $575
Sliding Scale 2:
4 payments of $475
Sliding Scale 3:
4 payments of $375
For sliding scale payments
You will be charged the first payment when you sign up as a deposit, and then will be charged monthly thereafter until complete.If you need a different payment schedule, or want to talk about partial scholarship, please contact me.
Refund Policy
If after the first class you decide this experience is not of you, make your request by 11:59pm on 10/2/24 to receive full refund. After 10/3/24 there will be no refunds.
And be first to apply for the next cohort or get more clarity with a 15 minute Clarity Call
The journey begins at Fall Equinox, and follows guidance from the seasonal wheel of the year. For the dark 6 months of the year you will unravel, let go, discover, journey, heal, and re-member yourself in alignment with the Heart of the Earth. You’ll learn how to deeply care for your own body and soul, as well as the beings that share this Earth plane.
During the Autumn months of descent you will turn towards the Self to explore your own body’s wisdom, and create solid foundations of true, lasting, wellness. You will unravel, stalk your shadow-selves and work with spirit guides while exploring self-forgiveness and compassion.
After this first half, you’ll have a new perspective for how you relate to your body and yourself as we reestablish a sense of embodied connection, resourcefulness, and empowerment.
As we step into Winter and the light begins to return, you’ll start to look outwards at your relationship with Sacred Other: the plant spirits, the land, the animals, and stone allies. We’ll work from the animistic perspective to discover what it means to be in sacred reciprocity, and carry reverence towards the Earth.
After the second half of the program you’ll begin to experience an expansive sense of place, belonging, and rich connection with our more-than-human kin. You’ll understand how to find alignment with the seasonal ebbs and flows, and in relationship with how your personal rhythms interact with the wider cycles of nature.

Hear about it from past students:
My Why
As a highly sensitive empath, I always felt like the modern world was harsh, unkind, and disconnected from the true nature of reality. It stripped life of the very real magic I knew to be true in the deepest part of my body.
Growing up, I contorted myself to fit into the false narratives and expectations that this world puts on us. I felt like an outsider, always hiding my deeper mystical self who I felt glimmers of, but who was covered up in layers of shame, fear, and grief.
Until I found the way of the Plants and their generous spirits. Until I found the way of the Priestess and the Witch, and the ancient wisdom held in these lineages. I found communities who validated my experiences of the spiritual and animate nature of Earth.
Something in me softened. I didn't have to guard against what I knew to be true in myself. I was able to finally find belonging within myself, and the courage to step into who I truly am. With the support of Earth, the plants, my helper spirits, and the forces of nature.
I'm now passionate about helping you find that safe-haven to explore the magic that lives within your bones. To heal what's in the way of you claiming their inner power, your inner sorcery.
I know to some degree magic lives within us all, but for some of us, that call is strong and ever-persistent. Gnawing at us from within until we claim it.
We all have a lineage where we find the witches, the seers, the priestesses, and the wise-ones. We find the people who nurtured a deep relationship with the Earth, with the Unseen Realms, and the intuitive nature of their bodies. Some of us may have to go farther back than others, but I promise you, this magic lives in you, your body, and your ancestry.
This is why I created this program. For a place to for you to connect again with what lives in your bones. To heal the shadow that keeps you from your magic. To heal what's in the way of you loving yourself intimately and tenderly. To create a new story. One not based in isolation and separation, but one that chooses the path of belonging and inter-being with all life.
So we can finally wake up from the harm and pain we cause when we are hiding who we are.
So we can align with our unique medicine for the collective. And so we can really take the next step on our healing and medicine path. For ourselves and for all of life.

I want to help you find a true sense of HOME inside your skin.
I want to help you to feel a true sense of BELONGING within the community of Earth.
I want to help you co-create MAGIC with Life. The magic that is solely yours to bring to Earth.
​Take a moment to check in with your body.
Close your eyes. Take a few breaths. When you think about joining this school how do your heart and your gut feel?
Do they feel alive, excited, open?
Does this School feel like a YES in your body?
Then listen to its wisdom. Your mind may make up excuses, but the path of the body (through which your soul speaks) is calling to you.
Does it feel tight, constricted, or lethargic?
Does this School feel like a NO in your body?
It may not be the right time. You might not be ready, or it might not be the right fit.
Wondering if the Golden Stone Immersion is for you?

But sometimes fear can be mistaken for a No.
And so often what we’re most afraid of is what our soul is really yearning for.
So, check in again, and ask this part of you (your heart or gut or wherever you feel the constriction) what is it that’s making it contract?
Can you sense an emotion, a story, words, or other wisdom from your body?
Can you discern whether it’s fear or a true no?
(We will practice tracking this inner knowing in the first weeks of the School)
Whatever your answer may be today, may you find exactly what you’re soul is looking for, and where your own, deepest, truest healing aligns with the healing of the Earth and our more-than-human kin.
This program is for you if:
You are drawn to the medicine and magic of the Plants and the Earth
You believe in a wider force that moves through all of life
You have intrinsic love of nature and the natural world
You are a sensitive or empathic healer, teacher, or giver
You are willing to get honest and vulnerable with yourself and others
You have already done some personal work and take ownership of your life
You have a hope that we can be in more harmonious relationship with the Earth, and long for that new vision to unfold
You know there’s no “quick fixes” in true, lasting change, and you’re ready to show up fully to make the necessary shifts happen
You want to change the damage that capitalism, colonialism, and patriarchy have done to our world
You have patience with differing viewpoints - especially with politically charged or social issues
You are resourced enough in yourself that you can withstand questioning and dissolution of parts of yourself
This program is not for you if:
You want a quick fix to your healing
You don’t have outside support systems, therapy, or other healing modalities other than this program
You’ve never done any personal or psychological work
You are in the midst of a mental health crisis
You don’t believe in energy, a spiritual world, or the possibility of an animate Earth
You’re uncomfortable with Celtic, Pagan, or Animistic teachings
You don’t believe we need to shift our patriarchal, colonial, and capitalistic paradigm
You don't feel comfortable exploring the Feminine principle of Life. Or the words "Masculine" and "Feminine."
You don't have patience for where folks are on their path (you feel like they're "behind" or "below" you) and/or you don't have patience for letting people learn what you've already learned
You have strong opinions or beliefs that you believe every else should believe or have
You don't have patience with different viewpoints on politically charged or social issues