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Cohort Courses



Classes and education are operated under our sister business, the Golden Stone Wisdom School.


Become a free member below.



Infusing the Sacred Into Your Life

Jan. 29th  - Feb.19th


This immersive experience is designed to help you live a rich, embodied, spiritual life so you can deepen your relationship with Earth Consciousness and your own Self.


4 live calls over the course of 3 weeks following the moon cycle at Imbolc - the Mid-Winter holy time where the Earth begins to stir awake. 



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The Golden Stone Immersion

9/24/2024 - 3/25/2025


A 6-month immersive dive into embodiment and earth medicine. Learn to understand your body's wisdom, your energy body, and the messages they share.


Connect with elemental wisdom, the forces of the Earth, your spiritual guides and soul team, seasonal wisdom, plant spirit medicine, and more. 


All in the presence of a beautiful community of support.


plant allyship

Call Into Darkness: Deepening Plant Allyship

Samhain to Solstice

11/10/25 - 12/22/25


This is a 6 week journey, guided by 6 plant allies, to help support you over the darkest weeks of the year.


Each week, you will work with one plant medicine to help you connect with yourself, heal a specific area of your body, psyche, and soul, and gain wisdom from these more-than-human kin.


(We're taking a break from this class this year, and it will be available next year!)

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Plant Magic: A Shamanic Plant Medicine Immersive



In this immersive day long plant spirit medicine workshop you will ally yourself with the spiritual forces of the plant world, and be transformed by their wisdom.


We will spend the day outdoors, in community of humans and plants, as we learn how to navigate the subtle ways these beings communicate with us. The whole day will be ceremonial, as we honor both the plants as well as our intuitive capacities and inter-relation with the Earth’s inhabitants. 


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