Amplify your Light: A Summer Solstice Ceremony
We are invited to bathe ourselves in the light, and explore what it means for us and the world when we have relationship to this much light.
Portals of Grief and Heart
To many of our ancient ancestors, including my Celtic ones, this time of year was known for when The Otherworld drew near. (​Watch my...
The Land Longs for You Too - Exploring the Complexity of Belonging to Place
Last weekend I officiated my brother’s wedding, and I got to spend the week visiting the land I grew up on. ​ It’s a special place, that...
The Ancestral Technology of Ceremony
This past week, on three separate occasions, I had the sincere pleasure of gathering together with women in ceremony. Once for a dear...
A Ceremony for Releasing Winter's Grasp
We are in our final week of Winter’s grasp, and in our last traipses through the landscape of the element of Earth this time round the...
What is ceremony and why do we do it?
Last week I drove down to Gaston, OR, to a small, but beautiful cabin situated on a vineyard. Two of my Golden Stone Wisdom School...
A Ritual to Receive a Gift from the Darkness
We’re in our final days of the descending darkness, soon to arrive at the Winter Solstice, on the 21st, where the sun stands still at the...
Facing Your Ghosts: A Ritual Practice
It is the season of ghosts. As we make our way towards the mid-point of Autumn, the darkness yawns open and shadows are revealed. The...
In Devotion to the Water
This article is devoted to Water. The life blood of the Earth and our bodies. As the exalted element of the Autumn season, Water helps to...
Happy Lughnasadh! Ways to Honor this Mid-Point of Summer
Photo by Kitfox Valentin This time of year, late July and early August, enters us into the season of Lughnasadh. Often celebrated 8/1,...