Remembering Our Animist Roots: The World is Alive
Dartmoor stone circle, UK Last week I shared some thoughts about our collective spiritual crisis. I shared that part of the work to...
Snake Medicine: Sensuality + Earth Connection
Often representing the Goddess herself, snakes symbolize healing, fertility, wisdom, rebirth, guardianship, and their intimate relationship
Can You Let Earth Love You? Building Relationship with Earth
Earth Day is tomorrow, and so I've been pondering my relationship with Earth and how much it's changed over the course of my life. ​ I've...
Your Senses: A Gateway into Relationship with Life
April has become one of my very favorite months since living in Portland. ​ It feels as though almost overnight, the Earth breaks open in...
What the Plants Often Tell Me
The plants love us, but are really tired of how we treat them. ​ I feel this over and over from the plants when I sit with them. ​...
Sensitivity is Our Salvation
In last week's Plant Wisdom Circle, 16 of us gathered together to connect with the spirit of Cottonwood. As we journeyed with the spirit,...
Why is Living Seasonally so Important?
I’ve found over the years that one of the most important and profound ways to connect more deeply with myself, the ecosystem around me,...
Exploring the Element of Earth
Here we are. Together. Early Winter. At the start of a new cycle, a new season, a new year. In Celtic pagan tradition, the Winter season...
The Land Longs for You Too - Exploring the Complexity of Belonging to Place
Last weekend I officiated my brother’s wedding, and I got to spend the week visiting the land I grew up on. ​ It’s a special place, that...
We are living with a living world, and it needs you
We are living with a living world. The waterways, stones, trees, and mountains... all of it ensouled and wise. All of it with medicine to...