We are Cyclical Beings: Learning from the Seasons
We are cyclical beings by nature. We move in circles and spirals, no matter how much we or our dominant culture try to impose linearity....
Dandelion Magic + Childlike Wonder
I love how the Spring season draws us out of hiding and lures us into her majesty. The cherry blossoms are singing and the magnolias...
Welcoming the Transition to Spring with Intention
The Spring Equinox is upon us, which will usher us into the light half of the year. For the next 6 months we will be in the domain of...
Equinox Medicine: Holding Duality within Ourselves
The land is waking up around us. (I’m sure you’ve noticed.) The crocuses and daffodils have shown up first to the party, showcasing their...
Your Body is a Story-Keeper
Your body is a story-keeper. Layer upon layer of energy, emotion, beliefs and memory are written within the tissue. Held for safe-keeping...
Sensitivity is Our Salvation
In last week's Plant Wisdom Circle, 16 of us gathered together to connect with the spirit of Cottonwood. As we journeyed with the spirit,...
Your Sacred Voice Matters
Imbolc season helps us answer the question of who and what we’re here to serve, and helps us align our will and Divine will in...
Why is Living Seasonally so Important?
I’ve found over the years that one of the most important and profound ways to connect more deeply with myself, the ecosystem around me,...
Celebrating Imbolc: The mid-point of Winter
Today, February 4th, is the exact mid-point of the Winter season. Here we sit, directly in between the Winter Solstice and the Spring...
The Heart is What Will Save Us
“The heart is what will save us.” These words have been ringing through my ears and vibrating through my body for the past few days. ...